Agricultural Insurance

More than just an entry on your payment list. In an unpredictable environment choosing the right insurance partner is key to protecting your agricultural assets.

Commercial Insurance

Solid and safe cover for all your business requirements. Choosing the right insurance partner is key to protecting your business and it’s assets.

Domestic Insurance

House and content insurance for all your special things. Our fully comprehensive home and contents insurance comes with a wide range of benefits and an outstanding service backed by a fast and fair claims process.

Speciality Insurance

We are with you all the way.  In an unpredictable environment choosing the right insurance partner is key to insuring your life, protecting your precious family

Life Insurance

We are with you all the way.  In an unpredictable environment choosing the right insurance partner is key to insuring your life, protecting your precious family

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Domestic Insurance
We offer insurance cover for your buildings, house contents, personal liability, personal accident – death and permanent disability, electronic equipment, all risks, motor and pleasure craft.
Agricultural Insurance
Mountbatten Insurance Consultants will strive to find you the best possible cover available on the market when it comes to cover for your agricultural requirements: buildings, contents, vehicles, cattle, crops, timber, borehole pumps and so much more.
Commercial Insurance
We will provide cover for your company buildings, office content, electronic equipment, business all risks, fleet insurance, loss of profits and much, much more.
Speciality Insurance
At Mountbatten we can offer a wide variety of insurance cover. To name but a few:-

  • Professional indemnity cover
  • Jewellery Retailers and Manufacturers
  • Events Liability
  • Marine
  • Aviation cover

Should what you are looking for not be present please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you relating to your enquiry.

Construction Guarantees

Who needs guarantees? In the construction industry guarantees are mostly required by project owners and main contractors to ensure that the Contractor is qualified to perform the contract and that the project will be completed in accordance with the contract documents

Types of Guarantees:

• Bid bonds and Letters of intent

• Performance Guarantees

• Maintenance Guarantees

• Advance payment  / Materials offsite Guarantees

• Retention Money guarantees

• Customs and Excise Bonds

Maintenance Guarantees

The normal coverage provided by a Maintenance Bond is a guarantee against defective workmanship or materials after completion.

Retention Guarantee / Bond

These bonds effectively replace the actual retention fund. Most contracts make an allowance for the Employer/ Principal to retain a percentage of the funds payable to the contractor during the construction period as a form of security against default or defective work.

Advance Payment Guarantee / Bond

Some contracts make provision for Employers / Beneficiaries to pre-finance a contractor by making payments before commencement of the contract. The Employer / Beneficiary secure such a risk by acquiring an advance payment guarantee / bond in return.

Materials on/offsite

This bond is issued to compensate the Employer for all losses, damages and expenses that may be suffered or incurred by the Employer as a result of the Employer making payment for any materials to be held off/on Site

Customs Bonds and Excise Bonds A Customs and Excise Bond is a guarantee which provides the relevant security to protect a government department, normally SARS, against the failure of an enterprise to pay taxes and customs duties.

Medical and Life Insurance
  • Life cover
  • Disability
  • Dread disease
  • Pension funds
  • Provident funds
  • Medical aid
  • GAP cover
  • Investments
About Us

Mountbatten Insurance Consultants is owned by the Swanepoel Family.

Mountbatten Insurance Consultants have an acknowledged reputation for expertise and service in the short-term and long-term insurance broking industry.

Mountbatten Insurance Consultants are able to service the full range of clients’ commercial and domestic insurance requirements. In particular the dedicated Mountbatten team has a wealth of experience covering industries which include, but are not limited to construction and allied industries, farming, commerce, motor fleets and marine.

Mountbatten is able to fully service our client requirements nationally with the focus on service excellence.

Valued Trusted Insurance

A few of our trusted suppliers
Claim Forms
Click on any of the following buttons to download your required claim form/s. You can then fill in and sign these documents, then email them to
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Contact Us


23 Quantock Road
Pietermaritzburg 3201

23 Quantock Road
Pietermaritzburg 3201

TEL +27 31 737 0300
FAX +27 31 764 0755

OFFICE CELL: 082 756 2756



Adri Swanepoel: 079 493 4520

Kyle Swanepoel: 071 480 8657